
Four convicted of killing teen Tyler in Tottenham

Seventeen-year-old victim Tyler McDermott was shot and stabbed in South Tottenham on 13th April 2023 and died the next day

Victim Tyler McDermott (centre) and (clockwise from left) his killers Rhys Antwi, Kalam Bagge, Leo Reid and Tyrese Barnett

An investigation into the fatal shooting and stabbing of 17-year-old Tyler McDermott in South Tottenham last year has concluded with four men convicted for their involvement.

Detectives worked “around the clock” following the incident outside a music studio in Norman Road in April 2023 to identify the suspects involved in the attack. This complex investigation included “pain-staking analysi”s of hundreds of hours of CCTV footage to bring those involved to justice.

Detective Sergeant, Devan Taylor, in charge of the murder investigation, said: “My thoughts remain with Tyler’s family who have remained dignified. I commend them for the way they have carried themselves during these extremely difficult few months of the trial.

“Tyler was a son, a brother and a nephew, and losing him has absolutely devastated his family. I sincerely hope these convictions will help provide them with some closure. No family should ever have to suffer the loss of a loved one.

“I am grateful to the jury for the care and attention they have shown throughout what has been an exceptionally long and complex murder trial.

“This is a very sad incident that tragically led to the an innocent young life being lost to a cold and senseless killing. These young men had a choice that night and for reasons only known to them, they chose to resort to violence.”

Tyler McDermott and his friend left a music recording studio when he was shot and then stabbed by a group of men. At court, the prosecution case was that tensions began to arise after one of the defendants involved in the case became upset at being filmed inside the studio. This resulted in a confrontation outside the studio and led to Tyler’s murder.

Tyrese Barnett, aged 20 of Moyers Road in Leytonstone, and Leo Reid, aged 20 of Tulse Hill in Brixton, were both found guilty of Tyler’s murder following a three month trial at the Old Bailey that concluded yesterday (Wednesday 19th)

Barnett was also found guilty of attempted murder in relation to Tyler’s friend and possessing a firearm with intent to endanger life. Reid also previously pleaded guilty to possessing an offensive weapon in a public place. Two other people have also been convicted for their involvement in Tyler’s murder.

The court heard that in the early hours of the morning of 13th April 2023, police were called to reports of a male injured on Norman Road, South Tottenham. When officers attended, they found Tyler suffering from gunshot and stab wound injuries.

Tyler was taken to hospital for treatment, having sustained life-threatening injuries. The next afternoon, he sadly died as a result of these injuries and a murder investigation was launched by detectives.

Working around the clock to establish the circumstances of the tragic incident, detectives discovered that Barnett shot Tyler and Reid stuck him with a large machete when he was already laying on the floor with gunshot injuries.

The jury also heard that Barnett had discharged the firearm a second time while aiming the gun at Tyler’s friend. Fortunately, he missed and Tyler’s friend was not harmed.

Barnett and Reid were arrested together at Heathrow Airport, waiting to board a flight on 15th April 2023.

The examination of CCTV footage from inside and outside of the recording studio also showed what other people were doing that were present at the time of the attack.

The jury concluded that Rhys Antwi, aged 20 of Prentis Road, Streatham, and Kalam Bagge, aged 19 of Nimrod Road, Streatham, assisted and/or encouraged Barnett and Reid to carry out the fatal attack. They were both convicted of murder alongside Barnett and Reid, the main two defendants in the murder trial.

Antwi was seen on CCTV arming himself with a sword underneath his clothes inside the studio just before the shooting. Antwi also pleaded guilty to possessing an offensive weapon in a public place. The sword in question was recovered from his address in Streatham.

Bagge was also captured on CCTV footage inside the studio just before the murder which revealed that he knew that Barnett had taken possession of the firearm.

Two other men, aged 20 and 21, were acquitted of Tyler’s murder.

Barnett, Reid, Antwi, and Bagge will be sentenced at the Old Bailey in September.

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