
Two election hustings events taking place for Hornsey and Friern Barnet candidates

General election candidates in the constituency will be quizzed by voters at two different events, reports Kinga Plata

Houses of Parliament

Two general election hustings events for Hornsey and Friern Barnet candidates are due to take place this week.

Friends of the Earth Haringey together with Living Streets and Haringey Cycling Campaign are hosting a climate and environment hustings event on Wednesday (26th at 7pm at the Moravian Church, Priory Road, Crouch End N8 7HD.

Chaired by Emi Murphy, a Friends of the Earth campaigner, the event will focus predominantly on climate and environmental issues such as home energy efficiency, fossil fuels, transport, as well as other environmental matters like biodiversity and water and air pollution.

The four main party candidates have been invited, with Labour (Catherine West), Greens (Fabio Vollano) and Lib Dem (Dawn Barnes) having confirmed so far. The Conservative candidate Naz Panju has declined the invitation.

The event will be held using a traditional format, during which the candidates will first set out their parties’ environmental policies, then take questions from the organising groups, followed by questions from the floor and at the end, the candidates will briefly summarise their programmes. 

Friends of the Earth is a leading environmental organisation, whose goal is to create a sustainable future and fight for climate justice through grassroot campaigns and legal action. Living Streets is a registered charity that promotes pedestrian safety. Haringey Cycling Campaign, is a local branch of the London Cycling Campaign that gives a voice to existing and yet to be cyclists.

In addition to this event, tonight (Tuesday) the Hornsey and Friern Barnet candidates are also being invited to attend a hustings hosted by Muswell Hill Churches Together. This will take place from 7pm-8.30pm at Muswell Hill Methodist Church, 28 Pages Lane, Muswell Hill N10 1PP. Questions can be submitted via [email protected].

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