
Chestnuts Park Fest puts a spotlight on health in the community

Health and wellbeing activities at Chestnuts Park Fest

Zorbing fun   Credit Vincenzo Mercedes on behalf of Dragon Egg Media Ltd
Zorbing fun Credit Vincenzo Mercedes on behalf of Dragon Egg Media Ltd

By Isadora Nicastro Communications and Events Officer, Bridge Renewal Trust

More than 700 people attended Chestnuts Park Fest– a free summer festival that united different community services from across the borough.

The event, which was held in July at Chestnuts Park and Community Centre, included the ten-year anniversary celebrations of the Bridge Renewal Trust.

The Bridge Renewal Trust works with local communities to improve the health and wellbeing of people living in Haringey.

We hosted and co-organised the festival with One You Haringey, in partnership with Haringey Council, Tottenham Hotspur Foundation, Fusion Leisure and a wide range of local community organisations.

The day was full of fun activities for young and old, including live music performances, dance and community stalls.

People tried out a variety of wellbeing activity taster sessions, such as tennis and gym coaching, zorbing, Zumba and blood pressure checks.

In addition, special guest, shot-put and javelin Paralympian athlete, Vanessa Wallace, helped the community to stay healthy and fit, alongside professional coaches.

The Mayor of Haringey, Cllr Sheila Peacock, Catherine West MP, and Cllr Mark Blake, Haringey Cabinet Member for Communities and Equalities, were amongst those giving speeches on the day.

As part of the celebrations, awards were presented to Bridge Renewal Trust volunteers, in recognition of their hard work.

Rachel Hughes, Founder Chair of the Bridge Renewal Trust said: “The event was a great success. Thank you to all our partners for making it such an exciting day, and to all our supporters over the last ten years.”

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