
Local artist documents observations of pandemic in new exhibition

Local artist documents observations of pandemic in new exhibition

Can’t think your way out of this one    Credit: Mariota Spens
Can’t think your way out of this one Credit: Mariota Spens

Tottenham resident Mariota Spens has created a body of paintings and drawings about her personal experience of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The solo exhibition, CALAMITY focuses upon Mariota’s response to the political events surrounding the pandemic, in the UK and across the world. It highlights the “the cost of life caused by those in power” and “the fighting energy of activist movements.”

Taking influence from pop art, expressionism, propaganda posters and narrative painting, Mariota showcases public and personal experiences via exploratory visual expression.

CALAMITY will be displayed in Gaunson House, in Markfield Road. It is the result of Mariota feeling “frustration,” and “daily outrage” throughout the lockdowns in response to the “seemingly unstoppable injustices.”

Mariota said: “The drama and destruction that has swept the world since the Covid-19 pandemic has been painful to experience and to observe. Many injustices that already formed the structure of systems across societies were splayed open, and much of the fragility of life within these systems was thrown into the spotlight. We saw the absurdity of personality politics, and the cost of life it caused.

“Even more death than usual caused by age-old institutional racism, the collateral damage of capitalism and stubbornly upheld economic inequalities. We saw the successful self-protection of the elite, and the exhaustion of those who try to fight it.”

CALAMITY is open at Euroart, Gaunson House, Markfield Road, N15 4QQ, from 9-11 October, 12-3pm.

For private studio visits or any other enquiries, contact Mariota. Email: [email protected]

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