
Four Haringey bus routes set for shake up by TfL

A consultation is open on the 91, N91, 123 and 232 routes, reports Olivia Opara

Buses at Tottenham Hale

Four Haringey bus routes are set to change as Transport for London (TfL) aims to support increased demand for bus services. 

On Monday, 30th October, TfL announced that there are proposed plans for changes to four bus routes that serve Turnpike Lane, Wood Green High Road and the new Haringey Heartlands development. TfL has launched a consultation for residents to share their thoughts and feedback on these plans. 

The consultation period will end on 10th December. 

The proposed changes will affect the 91, N91, 123 and 232 bus routes that primarily go through Wood Green and form part of the TfL’s ‘Bus Action Plan’ which aims to support the foreseen increased service demand as a result of new homes and communities being built. 

Summary of the proposals:

  • Extend route 91 to Wood Green Station via Haringey Heartlands from its current terminus on Tottenham Lane in Crouch End
  • Re-route N91 to serve Haringey Heartlands instead of running on Wood Green High Road
  • Withdraw route 123 from Wood Green High Road (to start from Turnpike Lane Station)
  • Withdraw route 232 from Wood Green High Road and extend the service from Wood Green Station to a new terminus in Haringey Heartlands

On Tuesday, 28th November, TfL will be hosting a public drop-in session from 1pm for anyone who would like to discuss the proposals further. 

A TfL spokesperson said: “We’d encourage everyone to take part and to share their views on our proposals.”

To find out more about each proposal and to take part in the consultation process, visit

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