
New directory of ‘stay and play’ groups for pre-school kids in Haringey launches

A local dad has put together a list of 30 groups for under-fives in Haringey

credit Aaron Burden via Unsplash
credit Aaron Burden via Unsplash

A free directory of every ‘stay and play’ group for under-fives in the borough has been launched by a Haringey father.

The Play Map raises awareness of the huge number of voluntarily-run play groups in the area.

Robert Pokorny explained: “I saw how valuable playgroups were for helping my daughter learn how to share and play with others, and I really believe stay and play groups provide so much value to parents and carers too; helping reduce isolation, building a routine and building parent networks.”

Many groups are run by volunteers, so finding the time to advertise when and where they happen can often be a struggle. The Play Map tells parents about each playgroup that happens around them every day of the week; even listing special educational needs (Sen) groups and father/male-carer meetups too. 

With the rising cost of childcare, stay and play groups can help those parents who are looking after their child more days of the week than they are used to.

Robert adds: “My goal was to ensure that every parent knew that there was at least one stay and play group each day in the borough. Through scouring the internet and community notice boards, I pieced together over 30 stay and playgroups for under-fives in Haringey.”

For more information about The Play Map:

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