
Second government-funded family hub opens in Muswell Hill

It follows on from the launch of the first family hub in Tottenham and is part of a £3.4m programme over three years

credit Haringey Council
credit Haringey Council

Parents, carers, children and young people in the west of Haringey will have access to a wide range of universal and targeted services, support and activities following the opening of a new family hub in Muswell Hill.

Haringey Council opened its second family hub at Muswell Hill Centre earlier this week. This follows on from the successful launch of its first at The Triangle in Tottenham as part of a £3.4m programme over three years.

The family hubs bring together invaluable resources including parenting support, feeding advice, support with wellbeing, mental health, language development, as well as stay and play sessions and services for older children and young people.

Housing, debt and welfare advice are also on offer to support early intervention and help reduce inequalities as part of this one-stop-shop for families. Two further hubs are expected to be in place by March 2025.

Haringey Council’s cabinet member for children, schools and families, Zena Brabazon, said: “Every child in our borough deserves the very best start in life, and we’re committed to doing everything we can throughout their journey.

“Our approach has always been collaborative, involving stakeholders every step of the way. From one-to-one support to engaging activities, we prioritise listening to our residents and empowering them to enhance their lives and nurture their loved ones.

“By combining these services from within the Family Hub, we aim to ensure that every family has timely access to the information and support they require as and when they need it.

“We are immensely proud of the positive impact our first family hub has made on our community this far, and we will continue to place families at the forefront of our efforts, ensuring that this new hub is no different.”

What started as a local project is now being delivered as part of a national programme jointly funded, supported and overseen by the Department for Health and Social Care and the Department of Education (restricted to 75 top-tier local authorities).

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