Cabinet member for finance Dana Carlin explains how Haringey Council has set a balanced budget for 2024/25
A Lib Dem proposal to find a new leisure centres provider instead of cutting the libraries budget was rejected by Labour councillors
Haringey councillors are due to vote next week on a budget containing £19m of savings and a 5% council tax rise
Leader of the Liberal Democrat group Luke Cawley-Harrison argues that Haringey Council’s spending choices are sending it to the ‘cliff edge’
Haringey Council finance chiefs have yet to work out how they can fill the gap in its 2024/25 budget but say they're "not in Section 114 territory"
The council has until 6th February to finalise it plans to close a £16.3m gap in the budget for the upcoming financial year
Soaring homelessness rates blamed for busting budgets of London boroughs
Rising costs of adult social care blamed for budget-busting spending this year, reports Simon Allin, Local Democracy Reporter George Meehan House and (inset)...
The council’s leader Peray Ahmet explained that the current website is ‘over seven years old’, reports Miriam Balanescu Haringey Council has...
Haringey Council’s Labour administration has defended its spending on big projects, reports Simon Allin, Local Democracy Reporter Labour finance chief...
Maximum hike allowed without referendum proposed by Haringey Council leadership, reports Simon Allin, Local Democracy Reporter credit Philip Veater via...
Tax hike of nearly 5% to come in from April, reports Simon Allin, Local Democracy Reporter Labour councillors on Haringey Council have approved a rise in...
Haringey Council reject regeneration review after warning over council finances