Prices at YMCA's Harringay Club have doubled for some children's play sessions
cost of living
Residents of Page High Estate in Wood Green have been told by Sanctuary Housing that their annual bills will be rising by more than £1,500
The shadow work and pensions secretary defended her party's decision not to scrap the two-child benefit cap
Over 600 people living in Haringey have applied for a DRO in the last ten years but many more could be eligible soon
Enfield and Haringey are among the boroughs where Band D households will need to pay over £2,000 per year from April onwards
Research by food redistribution charity The Felix Project paints another bleak picture as cost-of-living crisis continues to hit hard
The borough now has almost 40,000 people receiving the benefit, the seventh-highest total in London
Mayor of London finds another £4m to continue the scheme and help families struggling with cost of living
London Assembly member Joanne McCartney on City Hall’s efforts to improve transport, fund more police, and cut the cost of living
Sadiq Khan refuses to commit to "emergency" scheme beyond end of current school year despite Conservative mayoral rival pledging to fund it if she wins
The mayor says he wants to continue £135m policy designed to ease cost-of-living crisis but has yet to commit to it
New survey finds 35% of Londoners using less water, energy or fuel
Living Wage Foundation (LWF) employers include 3,500 organisations employing 130,000 people around the capital
A summit at London City Hall this week heard how some of the capital's most vulnerable people have been affected by rising costs
Fears that homeowners who used government Help to Buy loan to purchase properties could be hard hit by mortgage squeeze
Free meals for all primary school kids began this week but will only last one year as things stand
More than 8,500 Haringey children will benefit this year from the £135m City Hall scheme aiming to reduce impact of cost-of-living crisis
Sadiq Khan issues warning about impact of rising housing costs and renews appeal for government help
Polling suggests 34% of mortgage payers in the capital will find it difficult to make monthly payments within six months
The City Hall event featured Martin Lewis giving advice to Londoners
New polling data show extent of cost-of-living crisis in the capital
Rising costs of living forcing many in the capital to go without necessities
The charity is now spending nearly half-a-million pounds on energy bills at its Winchmore Hill and Finchley bases
Omar Alleyne-Lawler, communications manager at youth charity Hope in Haringey, on how the cost-of-living crisis is affecting young people Dubbed a “cozzie...