
London Clown Festival coming to Jacksons Lane Theatre

The festival has cemented itself as an annual fixture of the London comedy scene

Ella The Great- Pomp and Cirque-umstance No3.1 (credit London Clown Festival)
Ella The Great- Pomp and Cirque-umstance No3.1 (credit London Clown Festival)

London Clown Festival has announced its 2024 line up with several events set to be hosted by Jacksons Lane Theatre in Highgate.

The festival will see “a selection of the finest clowns the city” performing at a range of venues in the capital and has cemented itself as an annual fixture of the London comedy scene.

Championing the rise of contemporary clowning, London Clown Festival continues to give a platform to a plethora of talented performers specialising in clown and physical performance. The 2024 festival programme sees another exciting, inspiring, and eclectic mix of performers who embody the principals of this timeless art form from countries all over the world. 

London Clown Festival has again teamed up with Soho Theatre for the 2024 festival and says it is “delighted” to also be working with Jacksons Lane Theatre for the first time.

London Clown Festival was founded in 2016 with the aim to share the joy and exhilaration of clown and physical comedy with a wide breadth of audiences as possible and help to expand the image of clown in the public consciousness. 

London Clown Festival 2024 Full Line Up 

For more information and to book tickets (priced between £13 and £26):

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