
Free woodworking workshop taking place in Tottenham

Woodshop of Recycled Delights will provide an opportunity to join free carpentry workshops suitable for all experience levels, writes Kinga Plata

Woodshop of Recycled Delights
Woodshop of Recycled Delights

Free woodworking workshops for Haringey residents will take place in Chestnuts Park tomorrow (Thursday 20th) afternoon. 

The Woodshop of Recycled Delights (WoRD), the organiser, will provide an opportunity to join free carpentry workshops suitable for all experience levels from 2pm-6pm in Chestnuts Park.

Participants will gain skills and confidence to not only build simple garden furniture, but they will also learn about sourcing surplus timber, treating it to make it usable and get knowledge of basic tool use, carpentry techniques, and approaches to building using wood. 

And because using reclaimed wood is a sustainable way of producing different garden furniture, WoRD says it contributes to reducing waste and also what kind of creative possibilities it offers in the field of garden and furniture design. From seating and social spaces, through water-efficient planters to pergolas and limitless other options. 

The workshops are suitable for all levels of experience and for ages 16 and over.

Participants are asked only to wear some sturdy footwear and weather-appropriate clothing and of course to register and sign up. Safety equipment, tools and tuition will be provided by the organiser. 

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